How to check train coach positions online?
You can visit the redRail app and click on the ‘Coach Position\' tab to find out the train coach position. Click here to download the app.
Can we find a train coach position through sms or phone?
Yes, you can find the train coach position through SMS or phone. Just send an SMS with your PNR number to a specific number or call the Indian Railways inquiry number 139. However, it\'s recommended to check the coach position in advance through the official website or mobile app to avoid any last-minute confusion or inconvenience.
What if I don’t find my coach number on the train ticket?
If you cannot find your coach number on the train ticket, don\'t worry. Check the coach position chart at the station or use online services or the enquiry number 139 to find it.
Are coaches interlinked?
Yes, the coaches are usually interlinked.
Is the coach position information always correct?
The coach position information provided by Indian Railways is generally accurate, but there may be changes due to operational reasons. You should always check the coach position information on the website or mobile application or at the station before boarding the train to avoid any confusion.
In case of any doubts or queries, you can contact the railway inquiry helpline or the station authorities for assistance.
What are the different ways to check your coach position on the train?
There are several ways to check your coach position on the train:
Coach Position Chart: A chart is displayed at the station before the train\'s arrival, showing the sequence and placement of each coach.
Online: Passengers can check their coach position online on the Indian Railways website or mobile application by entering their PNR number.
Enquiry Helpline: Passengers can call the Indian Railways enquiry number 139 to get information on the coach position.
Platform Indicators: Some stations have electronic display boards indicating the coach positions of incoming trains.
redRail: You can enter the details of your train on the redRail app and find out the train coach position.
It is advisable to check the coach position in advance to avoid any confusion or inconvenience while boarding the train.
What is 2S and 2A on the train?
They are different types of coach classes on Indian Railways
2S: Second Seating (2S) is a non-air conditioned coach class with bench-style seats. It is the most economical coach class and is usually crowded.
2A: Second AC (2A) is an air-conditioned coach class with sleeping berths. It is more comfortable than 2S and less expensive than the higher classes like First AC (1A) and Executive Class (EC).
You can choose your preferred coach class based on your budget and comfort level while booking the tickets. The coach class is indicated on the ticket and also displayed on the coach position chart.
You can also visit the redRail website by redBus, and explore various options.