Check Train Timetable Online with redRail

    With redRail, accessing the train timetable online for any Indian Railways\' train is hassle-free. You can view the train\'s arrival and departure times, expected platform, intermediate stations along the route, and duration of each stop. All the information you need about the train\'s timetable is readily available online.

IRCTC Train Timetable Highlights

    To obtain information about a train route or train schedule and other relevant details, it is crucial to refer to the online railway timetable. This feature helps passengers plan their travel itinerary and avoid the hassle of last-minute arrangements.
    Here are some common terminologies used in Indian train travel along with their definitions:

Train Name

The name of a train is its unique identifier, such as Rajdhani Express, Duronto Express, Shatabdi Express, etc.

Train Number

Each train has a five-digit number that distinguishes it from other trains operating on the same day. This information is crucial in identifying the specific train.

Train Status

Train status provides users with real-time information about the train\'s current location, the upcoming stations, the expected arrival time at those stations, and any potential delays.

Intermediate Stations

Intermediate stations refer to all the stations that the train passes through on its route. The list of intermediate stations includes all the stops between the source and destination.

AC - Air Conditioned

A type of train coach or compartment with air conditioning facilities.

RAC - Reservation Against Cancellation

A type of ticket where you can travel on a seat shared with another passenger if your original ticket is not confirmed.

WL - Waiting List

A ticket status when a passenger has not received a confirmed seat or berth on the train.

PNR - Passenger Name Record

A unique 10-digit number assigned to each train passenger for their booking and reservation.


A type of ticket reservation where passengers can book tickets just one day before the train\'s departure, subject to availability.


A number of seats or berths reserved for specific categories of passengers such as senior citizens, ladies, and the physically challenged.

CNF - Confirmed

A ticket status indicating that the passenger has a confirmed seat or berth on the train.

SL - Sleeper Class

A class of train coach where passengers can sleep on long journeys, with basic facilities.

2AC/3AC - Second/Third Air Conditioned Class

A higher class of train coach with air conditioning and better facilities than Sleeper Class.


A bed-like structure provided for each passenger in Sleeper Class and higher classes.


A compartment or carriage of the train with a specific class and seat or berth type.

Check IRCTC Train Schedule Online

    The IRCTC train schedule online refers to the availability of the Indian Railways train schedule on the internet, accessible through the official IRCTC website or the IRCTC Rail Connect app. You can also use redRail, an authorized IRCTC partner to check your train schedule. RedRail makes it easy to check your IRCTC train schedule online by providing a user-friendly interface on their app as well as their website. This schedule provides information such as train name, train number, arrival and departure time, halt stations, and expected platform number.
    RedRail also offers various filters and sorting options, making it easy to find specific trains and routes quickly. In addition to train schedules, you can also check the live train status, PNR status, seat availability, and fare information, all in one place.

How to Check Train Schedule Online on redRail?

    To check the train schedule online on redRail, follow these steps:
    You can also check the live train status and other related information by clicking on the ‘Live Train Status’ option on the redRail app or website.

    • Step 1: - Open the redRail app or visit the redRail website.
    • Step 2: - Click on the ‘Train Schedule’ option.
    • Step 3: - Enter the train number or name and select the date of travel.
    • Step 4: - Click on the ‘Search’ button.
    • Step 5: - The train schedule will appear on the screen, providing details such as the train’s departure and arrival time, halt stations, and the expected platform number.

What is the IRCTC Train Schedule in Indian Railways?

    The IRCTC train timetable is a detailed schedule of a train\'s timings on its designated route. The train schedule displays essential information such as the stations covered by the train, its arrival and departure times, the intermediate stations, the train\'s route, the days on which it runs, the distance it covers, and the halt timings.
    The IRCTC train timetable provides passengers with critical information such as
    1. Arrival and departure times of the train.
    2. Intermediate stations it will stop at.
    3. Days on which it runs.
    4. Route the train will take.

    This information allows passengers to plan their travel itinerary accordingly and make necessary arrangements.


What factors may affect the train schedule?

Several factors can impact the train schedule, such as extreme weather conditions, maintenance and repair work, technical faults, operational issues, security concerns, and unforeseen events like accidents or protests. These factors can lead to delays, cancellations, or diversions of trains, causing inconvenience for passengers. Train operators constantly monitor these factors and work to minimize their impact on the train schedule.

What is the use of the train timetable?

The train timetable is a crucial resource for anyone traveling by train in India. The purpose of the railway timetable is to coordinate the movement of trains throughout India by considering their route and halt stations. The timetable ensures that no two trains, either from the same direction or opposite directions, arrive at a platform simultaneously. This synchronization helps in avoiding any potential accidents or disruptions, ensuring the smooth and safe operation of trains.

How to check the train schedule if the train is rescheduled?

In the event of unforeseen circumstances, some trains may be rescheduled or diverted from their original routes. In such cases, redRail offers an updated list of rescheduled train routes for the next few days. Additionally, using the redRail app, you can quickly access information about trains that have been rescheduled for the current day, helping you plan your journey accordingly.

What is a train timetable?

The train timetable provides detailed information about the departure and arrival times of trains at various stations along their routes. The railway timetable also includes details such as the train number, name, and intermediate stations, which helps passengers identify their train route correctly.

How to check train timetables through the mobile app?

The redRail app offers all passengers a range of convenient services. By downloading the app from the Google Play store onto your smartphone, you can take advantage of cutting-edge technology and access various rail-related services, such as Live Train Status and PNR, all in one place and free of charge.