The name of a train is its unique identifier, such as Rajdhani Express, Duronto Express, Shatabdi Express, etc.
Each train has a five-digit number that distinguishes it from other trains operating on the same day. This information is crucial in identifying the specific train.
Train status provides users with real-time information about the train\'s current location, the upcoming stations, the expected arrival time at those stations, and any potential delays.
Intermediate stations refer to all the stations that the train passes through on its route. The list of intermediate stations includes all the stops between the source and destination.
A type of train coach or compartment with air conditioning facilities.
A type of ticket where you can travel on a seat shared with another passenger if your original ticket is not confirmed.
A ticket status when a passenger has not received a confirmed seat or berth on the train.
A unique 10-digit number assigned to each train passenger for their booking and reservation.
A type of ticket reservation where passengers can book tickets just one day before the train\'s departure, subject to availability.
A number of seats or berths reserved for specific categories of passengers such as senior citizens, ladies, and the physically challenged.
A ticket status indicating that the passenger has a confirmed seat or berth on the train.
A class of train coach where passengers can sleep on long journeys, with basic facilities.
A higher class of train coach with air conditioning and better facilities than Sleeper Class.
A bed-like structure provided for each passenger in Sleeper Class and higher classes.
A compartment or carriage of the train with a specific class and seat or berth type.
To check the train schedule online on redRail, follow these steps:
You can also check the live train status and other related information by clicking on the ‘Live Train Status’ option on the redRail app or website.