Book Trains to Bangalore

Feb 2025
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Ensure a 3X refund for waitlisted tickets if not confirmed after chart preparation.
Ensure a 3X refund for waitlisted tickets if not confirmed after chart preparation.
Opt for a free cancellation policy on train tickets to avail full refund with zero cancellation fees.
Opt for a free cancellation policy on train tickets to avail full refund with zero cancellation fees.
Utilize redRail’s confirm feature to increase your chance of getting confirmed train seats.
Utilize redRail’s confirm feature to increase your chance of getting confirmed train seats.
Take advantage of unique discounts and offers.
Take advantage of unique discounts and offers.

Online Train Ticket Booking To Bangalore

Looking for trains to Bangalore? We’ve got you covered. Booking train tickets online has become extremely easy and convenient. redRail, an authorised train ticket booking platform, makes booking train tickets seamlessly easier. You can easily book railway tickets on mobile or desktop with the help of its user-friendly interface. Several trains to Bangalore and from Bangalore run daily. You can check the availability of seats for desired routes and book the tickets according to your preferences on redRail. With the real-time seat availability feature, you can check whether the seats are available for the desired route. If not, you can choose other trains of your choice. Also, there are other essential factors that you must consider when booking your train tickets, such as the duration, train type, class of travel, timings, etc. Once you are satisfied with your booking preferences, book the tickets immediately to avoid the delay in getting ticket confirmation. Booking train to Bangalore and from Bangalore on redRail gives a hassle-free railway ticket booking experience. Also, you would get instant refunds for UPI payments, 24/7 customer service for any train ticket booking-related issues and exclusive discounts and offers on train booking.

How to Book Bangalore Train Tickets on redRail?

To book Bangalore train tickets online, you can follow the steps below.
Step 1: Visit the redRail website or application.
Step 2: Select the journey date, source and destination city.
Step 3: Click the search trains button to check the seat availability for Bangalore.
Step 4: Choose the class of travel from the given list of trains displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Once you select the train, enter the IRCTC login user ID to proceed with the train ticket booking.
Step 6: A list of payment options will be displayed on the screen, and select the desired method to proceed with the payment process.
Step 7: To confirm the railway ticket booking, enter your IRCTC password.
Step 8: You will receive a confirmation email or text message on your registered email ID or mobile number.

Bangalore Train Timings

The most crucial factor in booking a train ticket is timing. Getting familiar with Bangalore train timings will help you to plan your travel better. When booking train tickets, most travellers prefer the time at which the train starts and reaches the destination. The first train running to Bangalore or from Bangalore is at 00:15, whereas the last train running to Bangalore and from Bangalore is at 23:55. Considering Bangalore train timings ensures well-organized journey. Knowing departure and arrival timings to Bangalore and from Bangalore allows you to manage time with other travel-related bookings, such as accommodation, events or any other personal or professional work.


Top Bangalore Trains Running Weekly

Several trains are running to Bangalore and from Bangalore weekly. Check out top Bangalore trains mentioned below.

Top Bangalore Trains Running Daily

Several trains are running to Bangalore and from Bangalore daily. Check out top Bangalore trains mentioned below.

Top Bangalore Railway Station

Bangalore is served by several railway stations, catering different needs of passengers and routes. Some top Bangalore train station are mentioned below.
Station CodeStation Name
YNKYelahanka Junction
SVPHShivpur Halt
SGWFWhitefield Satellite Goods Terminal
SMVBSmvt bengaluru
ADREAdra East Cabin
BYPABaiyyappanahalli Auxiliary
KNDVKrishnadevaraya Halt
BYPYBaiyyappanahalli Yard Cabin
BNCBengaluru Cantt Bangalore
YPRYesvantpur Junction
YPRAYesvantpur A Cabin
SBCKsr Bengaluru City Junction Bangalore
BNCEBengaluru East Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions on Train to Bangalore

How to Book train to Bangalore and from Bangalore on redRail?
To book Bangalore train tickets on redRail, enter the journey date, source and destination city. Choose the train, class of travel and enter IRCTC user ID to proceed with the train ticket booking. Select the payment method and enter IRCTC password to confirm the railway ticket booking.
What is the first train to Bangalore?
The first train operating to Bangalore is Sbc Ubl Exp(17391)
What is the last train to Bangalore?
The last train to Bangalore is KSR Bengaluru MGR Chennai Central Special Fare AC Special(02657)
What are the top Bangalore train station?