Current Reservation

Authorised by IRCTC
Feb 2025
Select Source City
Select Destination City
Ensure a 3X refund for waitlisted tickets if not confirmed after chart preparation.
Ensure a 3X refund for waitlisted tickets if not confirmed after chart preparation.
Opt for a free cancellation policy on train tickets to avail full refund with zero cancellation fees.
Opt for a free cancellation policy on train tickets to avail full refund with zero cancellation fees.
Utilize redRail’s confirm feature to increase your chance of getting confirmed train seats.
Utilize redRail’s confirm feature to increase your chance of getting confirmed train seats.
Take advantage of unique discounts and offers.
Take advantage of unique discounts and offers.

What is Current Reservation in a Train?

Current reservation is the purchase of train tickets for available seats or berths after the chart preparation on the day of its departure. This is applicable when your desired trains are available so that you can reserve train tickets within a few hours before departure. The current ticket booking service is offered at certain reservation counters in major railway stations across India. You can check out at the ticket counter at the railway station for the seat availability of desired trains. If seats or berths of desired trains are available, you can can make a quick current reservation online or at the railway station by adding your journey and personal details, followed by making the payment to confim train tickets booking. 

The current reservation on the train opens a few hours before the departure time. This system enables you to book train tickets at a short notice. What are the current reservation timings? It basically opens a few hours after the chart preparation time. The timing may vary depending on the desired train. Check out the following rules of booking train tickets in the current reservation system in IRCTC:

  • Booking train tickets is applicable after the chart preparation
  • Booking window closes 30 minutes before the train's departure.
  • IRCTC train tickets can be reserved online through IRCTC or a ticket booking platform such as redRail by redBus, or can even purchase tickets at the railway station. 
  • The ticket price under the current reservation system is the same as that of the general train tickets.
  • No additional charges for current reservation train ticket booking.
  • Change of boarding point is not applicable.
  • Change of Name, Age or Gender is not applicable.

How to Book Current Reservations on redRail?

While making your current reservation online, you may also take advantage of these benefits offered by the redRail by redBus app and make your current reservation booking by following these simple steps:

  • Step 1: For booking a train ticket, you need first to visit the redRail website or application. Choose the journey date, as well as the boarding and destination stations. Then, click on 'Search trains' to proceed with the booking.
  • Step 2: Select the class of travel, for example, first class, second or third AC, or sleeper. A list of multiple trains will be listed on the screen. Select your desired train.
  • Step 3: After choosing the desired train from the list, add your IRCTC user ID and password to book train tickets. If you do not have an IRCTC username, you can consider creating one.
  • Step 4: To confirm your online railway ticket booking, choose from numerous payment options on redRail and complete payment to process your booking.
  • Step 5: Finally, enter your IRCTC login password, and your booking will be processed instantly. You will receive the confirmation of train tickets on your email or mobile number.

IRCTC Current Reservation Timings

For current booking reservations, you must book tickets before the train departs. Generally, the IRCTC chart is prepared four hours before the train's departure. You can book tickets within the allotted time frame if seats are vacant. Remember that the IRCTC current reservation booking closes 30 minutes before the train's departure time. This is to ensure that the final chart is prepared before the departure time.

Advantages of Current Reservation Booking with redRail

redRail by redBus is an IRCTC-authorised partner that provides a variety of services in train ticket booking. These are as follows: 

  • Book train tickets last-minute even after the chart preparation. The IRCTC current reservation will help you plan travel without any inconvenience.
  • Provides flexibility for current reservation online if you are uncertain about your travel dates.
  • Booking train tickets online with redRail is convenient as it will eliminate the need for standing in long queues at the railway station.
  • Offer services, such as hassle-free train reservation and, checking PNR status, tracking train status, checking platform number, and more.
  • Access to real-time confirmation of the PNR status, which aids in determining the next course of action with your travel plans.

Frequently Asked Questions on Current Reservation

How to book a current reservation online?

The current reservation booking in Indian Railways is an option that is now available online on the IRCTC website and redRail application to book train tickets after the chart preparation. It is possible to book train tickets at short notice based on the availability of seats before the departure of trains. For example, if you are travelling from Mumbai to Delhi and a train departs from Mumbai CSMT at 9 p.m, you can login to IRCTC about 4 hours before and check if the Current Reservation window is open and check if the desired seats is available or not, be it AC or SL coach. If yes, you can book the ticket and travel as planned. 

What are the current reservation timings?

The current reservation timings are such that you can book train tickets up to 4 hours before the scheduled departure of trains, after which the reservation will be closed at the current reservation counters or online. 

Can we get a refund for our current reservation?

No, cancellation of current reservation ticket booking is not applicable. A ticket issued under a current reservation cannot be cancelled. However, you may submit a TDR and receive 50% refund.

How can I make my current reservation booking in IRCTC?

The process for booking train tickets tickets in the current reservation system is same as for booking general tickets. The only difference is that current reservation IRCTC ticket booking can be made after the chart preparation. If a current reservation for the specified train is in place when the chart is available, you will see 'CURR_AVAIL' printed beneath the set date. Then proceed with the booking as if it were a standard booking under the general quota.

Can I book a ticket after chart preparation?

Yes, you can book train tickets under the current reservation system after the chart preparation. The booking window will close 30 minutes before the departure of trains.

Is the current reservation refundable?

Yes, it is refundable but you need to claim a TDR once you cancel your train tickets after the chart preparation.

How do I check my current reservation details on redRail?

To check the PNR status on redRail, visit the website or application, select PNR status on the home screen, enter the PNR number, and click on the status button to view the status. You can board the train if the ticket status is confirmed or RAC.

What is the meaning of the current availability of trains?

You can book train tickets based on the vacant seats available after the first chart preparation. Therefore, you can book train tickets up to 4 hours before departure. You can make a current reservation online or at the ticket counter of the railway station.