Trains Between Two Stations

Authorised by IRCTC
Mar 2025
Select Source City
Select Destination City
Ensure a 3X refund for waitlisted tickets if not confirmed after chart preparation.
Ensure a 3X refund for waitlisted tickets if not confirmed after chart preparation.
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Opt for a free cancellation policy on train tickets to avail full refund with zero cancellation fees.
Utilize redRail’s confirm feature to increase your chance of getting confirmed train seats.
Utilize redRail’s confirm feature to increase your chance of getting confirmed train seats.
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Take advantage of unique discounts and offers.

Check Train between Two Stations

Looking for trains between two stations? Planning your journey and finding the right train connections can be a breeze with redRail, a trusted platform by redBus. Whether you're travelling for work or leisure, redRail provides a convenient and reliable way to search and book train tickets. Let's explore how redRail makes it easy to find trains between stations and discover the exciting features it offers.

How to Search for Trains Between Stations

Searching for trains running between stations is a simple and straightforward process with redRail. Follow these steps to find the train connections that suit your travel needs:

Step 1: Visit redRail's website or download the redRail app from the Play Store.

Step 2: On the homepage or the app's main screen, you will find a search box specifically designed to search for trains between stations. Enter the names of the departure and destination stations in the search box.

Step 3: Click or tap on the "Search" button to initiate the search.

Step 4: Within seconds, redRail will display a comprehensive list of all the trains running between the specified stations. The list will include various details such as train names, departure times, arrival times, travel durations, and available classes.

Step 5: Browse through the list to find the train that suits your schedule and preferences. You can further filter the results based on factors like train type, availability, and class.

Step 6: Once you have chosen the desired train, click or tap on it to view more details, including seat availability and fares.

Step 7: Select your preferred date of travel and the class you wish to book.

Step 8: Proceed to the booking process, where you can provide passenger details, make payment, and complete the reservation.

Information Available About Reserved Trains Between Stations

redRail provides comprehensive information about reserved trains between stations to help you make informed decisions. When you search for trains between stations on redRail, you can expect to find the following details:

1. Train Names: The names of all the trains running between the specified stations.

2. Departure Times: The scheduled departure times of the trains from the respective stations.

3. Arrival Times: The expected arrival times of the trains at the destination stations.

4. Travel Durations: The approximate duration of the journey from the departure station to the destination station.

5. Available Classes: The different classes available on the trains, such as AC, Sleeper, Chair Car, etc.

6. Seat Availability: Information about the availability of seats in different classes on the selected trains.

7. Fares: The fares for different classes on the trains.

Wrapping Up

Visit redRail by redBus to experience the convenience and reliability of redRail by redBus for yourself. Visit the redRail website or download the app to explore the different train routes, check seat availability, and book your train tickets hassle-free. Plan your journey with redRail and enjoy a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.

Remember, redRail is your trusted partner when it comes to train ticket booking, providing you with the best options and ensuring a seamless travel experience. Start your train journey on the right track with redRail!

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the train enquiry between two stations helpful?
Train enquiry between two stations helps you find the most convenient train connections for your journey. It allows you to compare different trains, their departure and arrival times, travel durations, and seat availability, enabling you to plan your trip efficiently.
If the city has more than one station, which station will I have to choose?
When searching for trains between stations, it is important to select the station that best suits your travel needs. Consider factors such as proximity to your location, convenience of reaching the station, and the availability of trains to your desired destination.
What are the other services I can avail through the redRail app?
In addition to searching and booking trains between stations, redRail offers various other services. You can explore the app to check PNR status, track train schedules, view live train running status, and get updates on train delays or cancellations.
What does RLWL and GNWL mean on the availability class of the train?
RLWL stands for Remote Location Waitlist, which means the ticket is issued for an intermediate station where the train might have a waitlist. GNWL stands for General Waitlist, which applies to the overall waitlist for the entire journey. Both RLWL and GNWL have different quotas and priorities for ticket confirmation.
What are the highest priority trains of Indian Railways?
The highest priority trains of Indian Railways include premium trains like Rajdhani Express, Shatabdi Express, and Duronto Express. These trains are known for their speed, comfort, and efficient service.