Train Ticket Offers

Authorised by IRCTC
Mar 2025
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Get Exclusive Train Ticket Booking Offers

Booking train tickets online is the most convenient and efficient way. It eliminates the need for standing in long queues at railway stations. You can explore trains with flexible timings for desired routes and decide accordingly. There are many options available for you to choose trains, check seat availability and opt for preferred trains depending on your travel needs. Besides exploring trains and seat availability, passengers check for train ticket offers and discounts to save money and make their travel more affordable. You can book train tickets on redRail and take advantage of exclusive offers to reduce the overall cost of the train tickets. Receiving exciting train ticket offers gives you a sense of satisfaction that you could save some money on tickets.

Book your train tickets on redRail to experience a seamless booking process. Also, you need not pay service or payment gateway charges for the tickets you are booking. redRail, an IRCTC-authorised partner, enables the user to book train tickets, check PNR status, track train status, and check train schedule and coach position in the simplest way possible. With instant refunds, 24x7 customer service, and a hassle-free booking experience, you can get exciting train ticket booking offers and discounts on redRail.

How Do You Get Train Ticket Offers on redRail?

Below are the step-by-step instructions on train ticket offers on redRail.

  • Step 1: Visit the redRail application.
  • Step 2: Choose the journey date and enter the source and destination details.
  • Step 3: Select the travel class and check for the availability of trains.
  • Step 4: Enter the IRCTC user ID and passenger details to proceed with the booking process.
  • Step 5: Look for suitable offers and apply the redRail coupon code mentioned on the screen.
  • Step 6: Choose the payment method displayed on the screen.
  • Step 7: Enter the IRCTC password and confirm the ticket booking.
  • Step 8: Save the PNR number for your reference.

Exciting Train Ticket Booking Offers

Below are some of the rules regarding the offers redRail provides for train ticket booking.

Get Rs. 60 OFF on Train Tickets

  • Get a Rs 30 discount and Rs 30 cashback using the redRail coupon code SUPER60 and SUPERB60 on the redBus app to get Rs 60 OFF on train tickets.
  • The offer applies to the first transaction only.
  • Avail only the offer on train bookings made on the redRail app.
  • To avail of this offer, users must make a minimum transaction of Rs 200.
  • Users must have a valid mobile number, which will be verified with OTP before using this offer.

Get ZERO Convenience FEE

  • To avail of ZERO Convenience FEE on train tickets, use the redRail coupon code NOFEE.
  • Avail of the offer to book train tickets only once per registered user.
  • The offer is only applicable to redRail application users.
  • The offer is applicable only to users with verified mobile numbers. You will receive an OTP to verify your mobile number to avail this ZERO Convenience offer.

Common Tips to Get Train Booking Offers

Below are some tips that you can follow to get exciting offers on train tickets.

  • Use authorised booking platform: Utilize redRail, an IRCTC-authorised online train ticket booking platform, to take advantage of exclusive offers and discounts that may not be available at the railway station.
  • Check promo codes: Check for promo codes before booking train tickets. You can use these promo codes to reduce the train ticket price while booking. This will help you save some money and use it for other journey-related expenses.
  • Book return tickets: Sometimes, you might get discounts on round-trip bookings, which can save you significant money.
  • Keep track of seasonal offers: During the festive season or holidays, you might see exclusive offers on train tickets. The offers will be launched on selected routes or trains in Indian Railways. Keep track of offers issued by redRail to get discounted ticket prices and cashback offers on train ticket booking.
  • Follow social media: Several travellers get informed about the exclusive offers through their social media. You can check the latest offers or discounts on social media platforms to stay updated and utilize them accordingly.

Benefits of Train Booking Offers in Indian Railway Ticket

Check out the advantages of availing offers and discounts on rail ticket booking in Indian Railways.

  • Cost-effective: Getting offers reduces the cost of train tickets you are paying, making it an affordable and budget-friendly option. Discounts or cashback on train tickets are extremely important for users travelling in groups, frequent travellers, or those who want to minimize their travel budget. Saving money on train tickets can help them invest in other aspects of their journey.
  • Enhances travelling experience: Booking discounted railway tickets always enhances your overall travel experience. If you were considering non-AC classes earlier, you can upgrade your travel class to AC coaches. This allows you to enjoy the amenities offered by these travel classes and makes your travel more enjoyable.
  • Increases travel frequency: Paying less money on travel can increase your travel frequency. Using redRail offers will help you make budget-friendly travel decisions. By spending less on train ticket bookings, you can travel for work, education, business meetings, or just to explore new places.
  • Improves financial management: Availing of offers on train tickets will help you manage your budget efficiently. Avid travellers can make better travel plans with the money they have saved from ticket bookings. Therefore, you have the flexibility to spend on travel-related expenses and manage your travel budget accordingly.
  • Provides convenience: Users can easily apply and get offers on train tickets. The terms and conditions mentioned on train booking offers are mentioned on the app. Therefore, you can choose the offer, meeting the eligibility criteria.

redRail offers discounts on train ticket bookings, which provide significant cost savings, convenience, and enhanced passenger travel experiences. By utilizing available train booking offers on redRail, passengers can enjoy affordable and flexible travel options, making their journeys more enjoyable and budget-friendly. These benefits encourage frequent travel and contribute to a positive overall travel experience.

Frequently Asked Questions on Train Ticket Offers

How do you use redRail train ticket booking offers?

You can visit the redRail app, enter journey details, select travel classes, and check train availability. Then, look for exclusive train offers, apply the coupon code, and make the payment to confirm your train booking.

Can I use the offer multiple times to book train tickets?

No, you can use the offer on redRail only once during your first transaction. Remember that you can apply the coupon code to book train tickets per user.

What is the validity of the cashback amount on train tickets?

The validity of the cashback amount for booking train tickets is 60 days post-credit.

Who is eligible to use train offers on redRail?

Users with a valid mobile number, which will be verified with OTP, can use train offers and discounts on redRail.