What is the Seat Guarantee in redRail?
Millions of passengers travel by train daily. Many face common issues, such as seat unavailability leading to unconfirmed tickets. This usually happens during peak seasons for popular routes. Due to unconfirmed ticket status, you might encounter inconvenience with your travel plans. You may face many challenges, such as uncertainty with travel plans, financial loss, no guaranteed seats, or the inability to make alternate travel arrangements due to unconfirmed train ticket status. So, what could be the solution in such situations? redRail has introduced a seat guarantee service where you can opt-in while booking train tickets. In this service, the waitlist tickets will get confirmed or get a 3X refund of the ticket. You need to pay to avail of this service. This service is highly beneficial to passengers whose seats remain on the waitlist even after the chart preparation, as they will get a 3X refund that can be used to book a bus or train ticket.