Seat Guarantee - Confirmed Ticket

Mar 2025
TomorrowDay After

What is the Seat Guarantee in redRail?

Millions of passengers travel by train daily. Many face common issues, such as seat unavailability leading to unconfirmed tickets. This usually happens during peak seasons for popular routes. Due to unconfirmed ticket status, you might encounter inconvenience with your travel plans. You may face many challenges, such as uncertainty with travel plans, financial loss, no guaranteed seats, or the inability to make alternate travel arrangements due to unconfirmed train ticket status. So, what could be the solution in such situations? redRail has introduced a seat guarantee service where you can opt-in while booking train tickets. In this service, the waitlist tickets will get confirmed or get a 3X refund of the ticket. You need to pay to avail of this service. This service is highly beneficial to passengers whose seats remain on the waitlist even after the chart preparation, as they will get a 3X refund that can be used to book a bus or train ticket.

General Guidelines of Seat Guarantee on redRail

To address the difficulties encountered by passengers holding waitlisted tickets, the exclusive redRail seat guarantee feature proves immensely advantageous. It serves as the optimal solution for alleviating travel concerns and ensuring passengers secure confirmed tickets with utmost ease.Below are some general guidelines about a seat guarantee service when booking train tickets through redRail.

  • Applicable for waitlisted train tickets. 

  • The seat guarantee feature is a paid service and is non-refundable if the tickets get cancelled. 

  • Applicable for selected trains and classes booked through redRail. 

  • Passengers can use a 3X refund to book alternate modes of travel in the form of a bus or train. 

  • After booking train tickets through redRail, wait for the IRCTC chart preparation. If the ticket remains fully waitlisted or RAC ticket, it will be automatically get cancelled, entitling passengers to a 3X refund split into two parts. The 1X refund will be credited back to the original payment method, while the 2X refund will be issued as a travel voucher worth Rs. 6000 via WhatsApp, text, or email.

  • Passengers with partially confirmed or RAC tickets after chart preparation are eligible for the Seat Guarantee Premium amount.

  • In the event of train cancellation, passengers receive a full refund of the Seat Guarantee Premium along with the refund of the full ticket price. 

  • Passengers who cancel their tickets before the chart preparation are not entitled to Seat Guarantee benefits.

How Does Seat Guarantee Work?

When you book train tickets with a seat guarantee, you can wait until the chart preparation time to check whether the PNR status has changed from waitlist to confirmed. If the waitlist ticket remains unchanged, you will receive a 3X refund in two parts. Below are the steps for how a seat guarantee feature works. 

  • Visit the redRail website or application. 

  • Tap on the Seat Guarantee badge on the waitlisted travel classes. 

  • Click on the add seat guarantee button while booking train tickets. 

  • Get a confirmed ticket or 3X refund for waitlisted tickets.

  • Use the coupon for alternate travel within seven days.

Benefits of Seat Guarantee Service for Rail Ticket Booking

During festive seasons or emergency situations, you often find it challenging to secure confirmed seats for last-minute train ticket bookings. But now, with a seat guarantee feature, you can easily change your waitlist ticket status to confirmed. If not, get a 3X refund. Below are some advantages of providing passengers with a seat guarantee service. 

  • Provides flexibility: With the seat guarantee feature, you have the flexibility to book your train tickets at any time according to your convenience and preferences. This remarkable feature allows you to worry less about seat availability and plan your travel smoothly. 

  • Facilitates travel planning: Until tickets are confirmed, you cannot effectively plan their trips. Therefore, having seat confirmation through the seat guarantee service enables you to secure confirmed seats in advance, making travel planning easier. 

  • Saves time: Instead of waiting for confirmed seats, you can utilize the seat guarantee to swiftly obtain confirmed train tickets online, saving valuable time and avoiding unnecessary delays. 

  • Offers refund for not confirmed tickets: You are eligible to receive a refund of up to 3 times the ticket cost for the waitlist tickets. This service will save you from financial loss and encourage you to do regular train ticket bookings without any worry. 

  • Enhances travelling experience: A confirmed seat enhances the overall travel experience by providing you with comfort and convenience throughout the journey.

  • Provides convenience: By opting for the seat guarantee service, you can avoid the hassle of constantly checking your ticket status change from the waitlist to confirm and worrying about last-minute alternative travel arrangements


With a seat guarantee feature, passengers can get a seat confirmation for waitlisted tickets or get a 3X refund if they encounter difficulties in securing confirmed tickets at last-minute travel. Among the array of benefits provided by redRail, including free cancellation,  tracking the live status of trains to availing exclusive offers and discounts on train ticket booking, this additional feature allows passengers to obtain confirmed seats. So, what are you waiting for? Book your train tickets through redRail to avail of seat guarantee service for a hassle-free travelling experience.

Frequently Asked Questions on Seat Guarantee- Confirmed Ticket

What if my seat is not confirmed?

If your waitlisted seat is not confirmed, you are entitled to receive 3X refund. You will get a refund in two parts. The first part as the amount paid as the original ticket price and the second part as the travel voucher to book bus or train ticket on redRail.

Is the seat guarantee feature applicable to all trains?

No, the seat guarantee feature is applicable only to selected trains and classes. 

How to opt-in for a seat guarantee on redRail?

To opt for the seat guarantee service, visit the redRail website or app and enter your journey details and travel date. A list of trains with available seats for your chosen route will be displayed. Waitlisted seats with the seat guarantee service option will be clearly marked. Select the seat guarantee service, pay the applicable standard charges, then enter the passenger details and complete the payment to confirm your booking.