CNF (Confirmed)

Jan 2025
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What is CNF in IRCTC?

CNF stands for "Confirmed," a status indicating that your ticket has been confirmed and you have been allocated a seat or berth on the desired train. This status provides assurance and peace of mind, knowing your travel plans are secure and confirmed. To book train tickets, you must visit redRail, an IRCTC authorized train ticket booking platform, and enter journey and passenger details to confirm your reservation. After booking, you can check your PNR status to see if your ticket is under CNF or other categories. Once your tickets are confirmed, you can plan your travel accordingly. Also, once your tickets are confirmed, you can track your train running status to experience a hassle-free travel. Read on to find out about the CNF status, how to check it, and the benefits associated with it in this article.

When Do You Get CNF Status on a Train Ticket?

CNF status is usually given when a seat is available for the desired train and route. The first step any traveller would do is to check seat availability. This will give them an idea of whether their seat will be confirmed based on their availability. However, it is advisable to check seat availability before booking the train ticket. To get CNF status on a train ticket, you can book in advance to avoid inconvenience at the last minute. If the passenger gets WL or RAC, their tickets are not confirmed, and are waiting for the seat to be confirmed.

How Do You Check the CNF Status on redRail?

Often, passengers get confused with the acronyms listed on the PNR status. Therefore, you must understand the full form of CNF and other types of PNR status mentioned on train tickets. Your seat or berth is reserved when you see a status mentioned as CNF on the train ticket. To check the CNF status, follow the steps mentioned below.

Step 1: Visit the redRail website or application.

Step 2: Click on the PNR status button.

Step 3: Enter the 10-digit PNR number (The number is mentioned in the top left corner of the train ticket)

Step 4: Click on the "Check Status" button.

Step 5: The PNR status will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6: Save the PNR status for your future reference.

Easy Tips to Get CNF Status on Train Tickets

Below are some tips to get your tickets confirmed and plan travel accordingly.

  • Book early: Booking your train tickets in advance increases your chances of getting CNF status. If you are planning to travel, it is recommended that you book well in advance so that you need not worry about ticket confirmation at the time of travelling.
  • Flexibility in travel dates: If chances of getting CNF status are less on your desired journey date, you can opt for alternate travel dates. Sometimes, due to peak season or high demand, you might not get confirmed seats, which can disrupt your travel plans. In such cases, it is advisable to be open to other travel dates in order to secure CNF status.
  • Choose alternate trains: Due to peak seasons, there is a high chance of not getting seats confirmed. In such cases, choosing alternate trains would be the best option. You can book a train for the same route to get confirmed seats or berths.

Benefits of CNF Status in IRCTC

Getting confirmed status on your IRCTC train ticket is like hitting the jackpot. Here are some benefits of encountering CNF status on the train ticket.

  • Confirmed seat: The most crucial benefit of getting CNF status is confirming your seat. This means that your seat or berth is confirmed, and you can travel on the desired train.
  • Efficient travel planning: There is no guarantee that you will always get CNF status if you book train tickets at the last minute. Therefore, booking train tickets in advance enables better travel planning.
  • Reduced stress: Not-confirmed train tickets often lead to stress and make you worry about your travel plans. Therefore, securing a confirmed seat or berth on the train relaxes your pre-journey experience.


While booking train tickets, passengers encounter different codes and abbreviations that they are unfamiliar with. One such acronym is CNF, which you see on train tickets if it is confirmed. A ticket with CNF status guarantees that your seats are reserved for the desired train. You can book train tickets on redRail for a hassle-free booking experience.

Frequently Asked Questions on CNF (Confirmed)

What is the full form of CNF?

The full form of CNF is Confirmed in the IRCTC train ticket booking. Generally, you can encounter the CNF status mentioned on the train ticket.

How to check the CNF status?

To check the CNF status on train tickets, visit the redRail website or application, click on the "Check PNR Status" button, enter the 10-digit PNR number, and click on the "Check status" button to find the CNF status on the train ticket.

What are the tips to get CNF status on train tickets?

You can book train tickets in advance, be flexible with your travel dates or choose alternate trains to get CNF status on train tickets. Possibility of getting RAC status increases due to high travel demand. In such cases, opting for alternate trains for the same route would be a better option.