GNWL (General Waiting List)

Jan 2025
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What does GNWL mean?

GNWL stands for General Waiting List, one of the waiting list categories assigned to passengers when they begin their journey at the originating station. It is also known as General Quota Wait List in the Indian Railways ticketing system. Passengers with GNWL status will be given priority when the other passengers with RAC tickets get cancelled. Once your train tickets of General Quota are sold, the GNWL status is issued to passengers who will board the train from the originating station. This type of PNR status has high chances of tickets getting confirmed.

To find out if your tickets are on the general waiting list, you can visit the redRail website and enter the PNR number to check the status. If you fall under the GNWL category, then the other passenger with a similar route has to cancel their tickets. For this, you need to track the PNR status regularly in order to check the exact status. The general waiting list has the highest number of seats compared to other waiting list categories. Therefore, the chances of getting tickets confirmed increases. Now, you need to understand that the tickets will get confirmed based on how early you make the booking. Based on the position in the waiting list, passengers with GNWL status will get the first priority once the passenger with RAC tickets cancels their tickets. Due to high demand in popular routes, you may have a longer waiting list but also higher chances of frequent cancellations due to various reasons. Also, tickets are more likely to be confirmed if you plan your travels during the off-season. There are more chances that waiting list numbers are less compared to festive seasons or holidays.

How to Check GNWL Status on redRail?

Follow the steps below to check the GNWL status of your train tickets.

  • Step 1: Visit the redRail website or application.
  • Step 2: Log in using IRCTC credentials.
  • Step 3: Enter your 10-digit PNR number (The number is mentioned on the top left corner of the train ticket)
  • Step 4: Click on the "Check Status" button.
  • Step 5: The GNWL status will be displayed on the screen.

Tips for Managing GNWL Status for Passengers

Below are some key points to remember for passengers to manage GNWL status.

  • Early Booking: Booking tickets as soon as the reservation opens can provide passengers with higher chances of tickets getting confirmed. Planning ticket booking beforehand will eliminate the stress of not getting confirmed tickets.
  • Keep flexible travel options: There are chances that you might not get confirmed tickets due to peak season or high demand for the popular route. In such cases, it is advisable to have flexible travel dates so that there are increased seat availability options for your desired routes.
  • Monitor PNR status: Regularly checking the PNR status will help you understand the position of your GNWL tickets. You might observe improvements in the position as compared to the previous numbers.

Impact of GNWL Status on Passengers

The general waiting list (GNWL) in Indian Railways significantly impacts passengers, disrupting their travel plans. Therefore, it is important to understand the impacts of GNWL status so that you can make better travel decisions for a hassle-free travel experience.

  • Uncertainty in travel plans: The most crucial impact of getting GNWL status is uncertainty with your travel plans. There are chances that you do not get confirmed tickets for the desired travel date. In such cases, all the itineraries you have planned for the trip get disrupted.
  • Financial loss: The uncertainty associated with the GNWL status in IRCTC ticket bookings leads to financial losses. When the tickets do not get confirmed, you might have to go for other modes of transportation and sometimes even spend more money for last-minute bookings. The financial loss does not include only for train tickets but also accommodation and other miscellaneous expenses due to changes in the travel plan. Also, if you plan to cancel your tickets at the last minute, there are possibilities of additional cancellation charges that can add to your financial loss.
  • Lack of alternatives: During peak seasons, finding alternate modes of travel at the last minute can be challenging. The lack of buses or trains seat availability can lead to disruption of your travel plans.


The General Waiting List (GNWL) plays a crucial role in the ticket booking system of Indian Railways, managed through the IRCTC platform. Understanding the intricacies of GNWL helps passengers navigate their booking strategies more effectively, optimizing their chances of securing a confirmed ticket. Despite the challenges posed by the uncertainty of GNWL status, the integrated technological tools and strategic planning can significantly mitigate the inconveniences and enhance the travel experience. Book your train tickets with redRail to experience a seamless booking experience. So what are you waiting for? Book your train tickets now!

Frequently Asked Questions on GNWL

How can I check GNWL status on redRail?

You can visit the redRail website or application, click on the check status, enter a 10 digit PNR number to get the details of the ticket status. You can regularly check the status of the general waiting list to see if your tickets get confirmed or not before the journey date.

What are the chances of confirmation for GNWL tickets?

The chances of seat confirmation is usually higher than other waitlist tickets. Once the passenger with RAC tickets cancel their tickets, the priority is given to the passenger holding GNWL status.

Can I travel with GNWL status?

No, you cannot travel holding GNWL status in train. You need to wait for the tickets to get confirmed or look for other alternatives after cancelling the tickets.