Vikalp in IRCTC

Mar 2025
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What is the Vikalp Scheme in IRCTC?

Vikalp is a scheme launched by IRCTC ( Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation), providing passengers with alternative train options to get seat or berth availability. Under this scheme, your train ticket booking can be transferred to an alternate train with available seats. You must understand that opting for the Vikalp scheme does not mean that you will get confirmed seats. It means that you will be provided with alternate trains with seat availability options. Once your tickets are confirmed, Indian Railways will charge cancellation fees if you ever want to cancel your tickets of alternate trains. When opting for the Vikalp Scheme, there is the possibility of changing boarding and boarding points at nearby stations. You can be transferred to an alternate train within 12 hours of departure.

Only confirmed tickets often lead to certainty in travel plans. You are most likely to spend more money on last-minute ticket bookings. Therefore, there are possibilities of rescheduling or booking alternative modes of transportation. In such cases, the Vikalp Scheme plays a vital role in offering passengers flexibility and increases the chances of getting confirmed seats in alternate trains. This scheme will help passengers board the alternate trains with available seats on the same route. Opting for the Vikalp scheme reduces the uncertainty associated with unconfirmed bookings.

How to Avail the Vikalp Scheme in IRCTC?

To use the Vikalp Scheme for alternate rail ticket booking, follow the step-by-step instructions mentioned below.

Step 1: Visit the IRCTC website or application.

Step 2: Log in with your credentials.

Step 3: Enter the travel date, source, destination, class of travel and seat availability.

Step 4: Enter the passenger and contact details.

Step 5: Make the payment to confirm the ticket booking.

Step 7: Select the Vikalp Scheme option displayed on the screen.

Step 8: A list of alternate trains will be displayed on the screen. You can choose alternate trains for the same route.

Salient Features of Vikalp Scheme in Indian Railways

Earlier, passengers with waitlisted status were hoping to get their tickets confirmed for a hassle-free travelling experience. But IRCTC has come up with a scheme that offers a solution to passengers with waitlisting PNR status. Below are some of the essential guidelines of the Vikalp Scheme that every passenger must be familiar with.

  • Applicable only for Mail or Express trains.
  • Applicable for waiting list passengers.
  • Passengers who opted for the Vikalp Scheme with fully waitlisted status will be considered for alternate trains.
  • Passengers must check their PNR status after the chart preparation.
  • No extra charges or refunds provided for passengers opting for the Vikalp Scheme.
  • All passengers or none can be transferred to alternate trains with a PNR.
  • Passengers travelling in alternate trains will not be listed as waitlisted in the chart prepared for the original train.
  • Passengers provided with the alternate train cannot board the original train they booked earlier.

Benefits of Opting for Vikalp Scheme in Railway Reservation

The benefits of choosing the Vikalp scheme in IRCTC are as follows:

  • Increases chances of securing confirmed tickets: This scheme allows you to choose alternate trains if you are in the waitlisted category. Based on the seat availability, you are more likely to get confirmed tickets.
  • No additional charges: Under the Vikalp scheme, choosing alternate trains is free of charge. You will only have to pay the price for the original ticket.
  • Flexibility: This scheme allows you to choose alternate trains if you are under the waitlisted category. Opting for the Vikalp scheme makes it easier for you to choose alternate trains based on the seat availability without undergoing the entire booking process again.


The Vikalp scheme introduced by IRCTC represents a significant step towards enhancing passenger convenience and mitigating the uncertainties associated with unconfirmed train tickets. While it's essential to recognize that opting for Vikalp does not guarantee confirmed seats, it provides passengers with valuable alternatives and increased flexibility. To book train tickets online, visit the redRail website or application.

Frequently Asked Questions on Vikalp in IRCTC

What is the Vikalp Scheme?

The Vikalp scheme in IRCTC offers you the option to transfer to alternate trains with available seats on the same route, reducing uncertainty. While it doesn't guarantee confirmed seats, it provides flexibility and increases the chances of securing a berth on an alternative train.

What are the benefits of opting for the Vikalp scheme in IRCTC?

The benefits of opting for the Vikalp Scheme in IRCTC are that it increases the chance of getting confirmed seats, offers flexibility, provides convenience, and enhances the overall travel experience for passengers holding waitlisted status.

How do I avail the Vikalp Scheme in IRCTC?

If the train ticket status is waitlisted during the booking process, you can opt for the Vikalp scheme. All you have to do is select the Vikalp Scheme option during the train ticket booking process. Choose the alternate trains listed for the same route.