NOSB (No Seat Berth)

Mar 2025
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What is NOSB in IRCTC?

NOSB stands for No Seat Berth in the IRCTC booking system. One of the codes mentioned as PNR status is NOSB, which means that reservation status is given to children below the age of 12 years who do not need a full seat or berth. This means that your children under 12 years of age can travel without booking the full berth. They can share the seat with their parents, saving some money by paying only half the ticket price. The ticketing system introduced this status to make it more economical and accessible for families travelling with children below 12 years of age. Indian Railways has taken this initiative, thinking that every child below 12 does not require a separate seat or berth.

How Does NOSB in Train Tickets Work?

The ticket issued by IRCTC will be reflected as NOSB after entering the details of the children's age while booking train tickets. This means that your children are legally entitled to board the train but have to share the seat or berth with their parents. The ticket price for the children is reduced to half, depending on the type of train and class of travel. To apply for NOSB ticket status, you must select "No Berth Option" when entering the children's details. It indicates that you do not require a separate seat or berth for your child.

Eligibility Criteria for NOSB Status in Train Tickets

Below are some of the essential eligibility criteria for booking NOSB tickets.

  • The NOSB status is eligible for children under the age of 12 years.
  • Children below 12 years of age must travel with their parents or guardians. Passengers must have a valid PNR ticket to accompany their children.
  • NOSB status will be linked to the PNR of parents.
  • Vikalp scheme opted for PNR, which is not applicable for NOSB.
  • NOSB status is not allowed to opt for the Vikalp scheme.
  • NOSB is not allowed for CC, EC, 2S and EA classes.
  • If PNR-linked tickets are cancelled for parents, then NOSB status will automatically be cancelled.

Benefits of NOSB Status in Railway Reservation

Some advantages of NOSB status on train tickets are as follows:

  • Cost-effective: The most important benefit of getting NOSB status on train tickets is saving some money. Children travelling under the age of 12 only have to pay half the ticket price. This status is cost-effective, making your travel more affordable.
  • Convenient: NOSB status is highly convenient for passengers travelling for short distances. They need not pay the full ticket price just for the short route. Children can comfortably share their seats with their parents or guardians.
  • Flexible: NOSB status allows you to plan your travel efficiently. You can consider the different needs and requirements of children, eliminating the need to pay the full ticket price for them.

Key Factors of NOSB Status in IRCTC

Below are some key points to remember when booking train tickets for children under 12 years old.

  • Look for Comfort: While NOSB is extremely beneficial, it is also important to consider the comfort of children on long journeys. You must analyze whether your children need separate berths or have enough space to share the seat.
  • Check Journey Duration: Checking journey duration before booking tickets helps you decide whether your children need a full seat.
  • Check Train Class: Sometimes, NOSB tickets might not be very helpful if the class of travel or type of train makes it uncomfortable to share a seat with children. They need enough space to stretch their legs and sleep comfortably.

How to Check NOSB Status Online?

The stepwise instructions on how to check NOSB status are as follows:

  • Step 1: Visit the redRail website or application.
  • Step 2: Log in using IRCTC credentials.
  • Step 3: Enter your 10-digit PNR number (The number is mentioned on the top left corner of the train ticket)
  • Step 4: Click on the "Check Status" button.
  • Step 5: The NOSB status will be displayed on the screen.


NOSB is more than just a ticket status; it caters to the practical needs of travelling families. By understanding and utilizing NOSB, families can make informed decisions that balance cost, comfort, and convenience, ensuring a pleasant journey across India's vast and scenic railways. To experience a smooth booking process, you can book your train tickets on the redRail website or application. Also, check PNR and train running status to make your travel journey hassle-free. 

Frequently Asked Questions on NOSB (No Seat Berth)

What does NOSB stand for?

NOSB stands for No Seat Berth in IRCTC. It is a booking option for children under the age of 12 who do not require a full seat while travelling. This status is given to children at half price, meaning they can board the train but must share the seat with their parents.

How much does an NOSB train ticket cost?

The ticket price for NOSB is reduced to half of the regular fare for children under 12 years of age. The cost does include the charges for a full berth or seat, making it a cost option for families travelling with children.

Can a child travel alone with a NOSB ticket?

No, children with NOSB tickets cannot travel without the valid PNR of parents or guardians