IRCTC Upgrade Ticket

Mar 2025
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Auto Upgradation in IRCTC Ticket

IRCTC train ticket booking online is extremely convenient and easy for travellers. Sometimes, you may not be satisfied with existing travel classes and would like to upgrade to a higher class. To those, IRCTC has developed a service where passengers can upgrade their tickets for specific travel classes. For instance, your train tickets are booked for sleeper class, and you want to upgrade to Third AC. In such cases, IRCTC has a provision to upgrade the same without any charges. However, there are terms and conditions that you must follow in order to become eligible for the service. To upgrade an IRCTC ticket, all you have to do is select the auto upgrade checkbox while booking train tickets online. If you choose the No option, your IRCTC ticket will not be upgraded to higher travel classes. Note that the IRCTC upgrade ticket is only applicable to AC classes. If there are vacant seats in the AC coach, your travel class will be upgraded to the AC coach automatically.

Indian Railways offers passengers the opportunity to upgrade their travel classes free of cost while booking IRCTC train tickets. This is to utilize the available seats and assign them to passengers holding confirmed tickets, eventually assigning their seats to passengers with RAC or WL status. Passengers with sleeper seats will be upgraded to Third AC classes, and those with 2AC or 3 AC seats will get 1AC class.

Rules for IRCTC Upgrade Ticket Online

Below are some essential rules that you must follow to become eligible for the auto upgrade of IRCTC tickets.

  • Passengers must opt for the upgrade option while booking IRCTC train tickets.
  • Keep track of PNR status to check the upgrade status of the travel class before boarding the train.
  • IRCTC ticket upgrade is only applicable for sleeper classes. It means that you can upgrade your ticket to AC classes, which include First, Second or Third AC classes.
  • All passengers are upgraded to a higher travel class based on seat availability. If not, none of the passengers will get upgraded seats.
  • The details of PNR pf passengers will not change when upgraded to higher travel class.
  • Upon cancellation of an upgraded ticket, IRCTC cancellation charges will be applicable to the original ticket price.
  • The seats of confirmed passengers who have been upgraded to higher classes will be allotted to waiting list passengers.
  • Upgradation for the train ticket booked under the Indian Railways quota will not be applicable.
  • The Passenger Reservation System (PRS) will auto-upgrade train tickets during IRCTC chart preparation.
  • If there are no passengers on the waiting list on trains, then there will be no auto-upgradation of IRCTC train tickets to higher travel classes.
  • TTE is not authorized to upgrade seats; this can only be done automatically at the time of chart preparation.

How to Upgrade IRCTC Ticket?

To upgrade IRCTC train tickets online, follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Step 1: Visit the IRCTC website.
  • Step 2: Enter your IRCTC login user ID and password to the website.
  • Step 3: Enter your FROM and To station, date of journey and class of travel.
  • Step 4: Click on the Search button to check the availability of trains.
  • Step 5: A list of trains for the desired route will be displayed on the screen.
  • Step 6: Click on the Train Schedule link to learn about the route and timings of the desired train.
  • Step 7: Click on the class of travel for the chosen train.
  • Step 8: Click on the Book Now button.
  • Step 9: A page will appear with the names of the train, station, class of travel and date of journey displayed on the screen.
  • Step 10: Enter the passenger details, such as the name, age, gender, berth preference and other details.
  • Step 11: Click on the checkbox mentioning “Consider for Auto Upgradation” to upgrade your tickets to higher travel classes.
  • Step 12: Once you enter the details, click on the Continue button.
  • Step 13: The passenger and journey details, as well as the total ticket fare, will appear on the screen.
  • Step 14: Click on the Continue button to proceed with the payment process.
  • Step 15: A list of payment options will be displayed on the screen, such as Net banking and multiple payment services)
  • Step 16: Select the desired payment option and click on the Pay and Book button to complete the payment process successfully.
  • Step 17: Once the payment process is completed, you will receive a confirmation of IRCTC ticket booking on your email or mobile number.

Benefits of Auto Upgradation in IRCTC Train Ticket Booking

Below are some advantages of opting for an IRCTC ticket upgrade.

  • Cost-effective: Choosing auto upgradation in IRCTC tickets will help passengers secure seats in AC classes. Most importantly, waiting list passengers will get confirmed tickets. And all this is done without paying extra charges. The PNR status will change from waitlist to confirmed by opting for this feature. It saves your money and also gets upgraded to higher travel classes at the same time.
  • Better travelling experience: Upgrading IRCTC tickets for higher classes will provide a better travelling experience for passengers. From sleeper to AC classes, you will get better amenities, such as an air-conditioned environment, bedding facilities, clean toilets, space and privacy.
  • Guaranteed travel: Sometimes, passengers holding waitlist status are uncertain about their travel plans. By opting for auto upgradation in IRCTC tickets, they can hope for confirmation based on their seat availability.


IRCTC ticket upgrades allow passengers to enjoy higher-class travel at no extra cost. By opting in during booking and staying flexible, passengers can enhance their journey experience with better seating and amenities, ensuring a comfortable and cost-effective trip. You can book train tickets on redRail by redBus to experience a hassle-free booking experience.

Frequently Asked Questions on IRCTC Upgrade Ticket

Can I upgrade my 3AC ticket to 2AC?

Yes, you can upgrade your IRCTC ticket from 3AC to 2AC by clicking on the checkbox for auto upgrades during the train ticket booking process.

Can a confirmed ticket be auto-upgraded?

Yes, you can upgrade your confirmed ticket from sleeper to higher travel class. The seats available in sleeper classes will eventually be given to RAC or WL passengers.

Is auto upgradation in IRCTC ticket chargeable?

No, upgrading train tickets from lower to higher class of travel is not chargeable. You need to pay the original ticket price during the booking process. There are no additional charges for the IRCTC ticket auto upgrade.