3e-Coach in Train

Feb 2025
TomorrowDay After

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I book online train tickets?
You can book train tickets online through redRail, an IRCTC authorized partner.
What are the different classes of travel in Indian Railways?
Indian Railways offers several classes such as First AC (1A), Second AC (2A), Third AC (3A), Sleeper Class (SL), and General Class (GEN).
Can I transfer my train ticket to someone else?
Yes, under certain conditions, a ticket can be transferred to another family member. You must make the request 24 hours before departure.
How do I avail of concessions for students, disabled, or other eligible categories?
Concessions are available for various categories and can be availed online or at the reservation counter during the ticket booking process.
What are the rules for carrying luggage on trains?
Luggage rules vary based on the class and type of ticket. There are specific free allowances and marginal allowances. Excess luggage may incur charges.