Irctc Retiring Room

Mar 2025
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IRCTC Retiring Room Booking

Many travellers often visit new cities or regions without knowing about local accommodations. IRCTC retiring rooms at major railway stations nationwide are a convenient option in such situations. If you need a place to rest or freshen up before continuing your journey, IRCTC retiring rooms are highly recommended. Travellers can choose from single, double, or dormitory-style accommodations, with AC and non-AC rooms available on the IRCTC platform. Single rooms are for one passenger, double rooms for two, and dormitories accommodate larger groups. Please note that passengers with waitlisted tickets cannot book retiring rooms, but the service is available for those with RAC or confirmed reservations. Once you book train tickets and receive confirmation for them, you will be able to book IRCTC retiring rooms online.

General Guidelines of IRCTC Retiring Room Booking Online

Below are some essential rules you need to know before checking IRCTC retiring room availability.

  • A valid PNR number of passengers with RAC or confirmed ticket status is mandatory.
  • Passenger-wise cancellation is not applicable.
  • Only one passenger per boarding station is allowed to book IRCTC retiring rooms.
  • IRCTC retiring rooms will be cancelled automatically within 96 hours of check-in time if you cancel your train tickets.
  • Late check-in time is extended upto one hour after the train’s arrival time.
  • A refund with standard cancellation charges if you cancel your train tickets is applicable.
  • IRCTC retiring booking stations are limited to major stations.
  • Eligible age for booking IRCTC retiring rooms is 12 years.
  • Passengers are solely responsible for their belongings.
  • Passengers are liable to pay damages caused in the room.
  • Refunds are not applicable for passengers cancelling the room on the same day.
  • Passenger-wise cancellations are not applicable as per IRCTC retiring room cancellation policies.
  • If PRS tickets are fully cancelled, IRCTC retiring rooms will be automatically cancelled within 96 hours of check-in time.
  • IRCTC service charges are Rs 20 up to 24 hrs for a retiring room, Rs 10 for a dormitory, Rs 40 up to 24 to 48 hrs for a retiring room, and Rs 20 for a dormitory bed.

IRCTC Retiring Room Timings

Generally, passengers look for IRCTC rooms to freshen up before they leave for a destination quite far from the railway station or book these rooms as alternate options. Before IRCTC retiring room booking, you can check out their timings. Usually, you have the facility to book rooms for 3 hours or a maximum of 48 hours, depending on your requirements. Staying in IRCTC retiring rooms will give you access to restaurants, shopping centres, hospitals and more. This will help travellers to get access to essential things required for their travel plans. There are also options to book IRCTC rooms on an hourly basis.

IRCTC Retiring Room Cancellation Charges

At times, due to unforeseen changes in your travel plans, you may cancel IRCTC's retiring rooms. In such cases, you are entitled to pay IRCTC cancellation charges depending on what time you cancel your rooms. Here are the following IRCTC cancellation charges for IRCTC retiring rooms.

  • If you cancel two days before your check-in date, 20% of the IRCTC retiring room will be deducted.
  • If you cancel one day before your check-in date, 50% of the room charges will be deducted.
  • Refunds are not applicable if you cancel your room on the same day.

How to Book IRCTC Retiring Rooms Online?

To book retiring rooms online with your IRCTC login details, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Step 1: Visit the IRCTC website.
  • Step 2: On the homepage, enter your 10-digit PNR number and click on the Search button to proceed with the booking process.
  • Step 3: Select the station name from the drop-down list where you want to stay from the list provided on the screen.
  • Step 4: Select the date of check-in and check-out from the drop-down list, followed by the type of room you want to stay in.
  • Step 5: Choose the name of the quota from the drop-down list.
  • Step 6: Click on the availability of retiring rooms.
  • Step 7: Choose the room number and slot duration.

How to Cancel IRCTC Retiring Room?

Follow the stepwise instructions to cancel the IRCTC retiring room mentioned below.

  • Step 1: Visit the IRCTC website.
  • Step 2: Click on the My Account and navigate to the Booking History page.
  • Step 3: Choose the booking you wish to cancel.
  • Step 4: Click on the Cancel button to confirm the cancellation process.

Tips for Booking IRCTC Retiring Room for Passengers

Below are some common tips for booking IRCTC retiring rooms for train passengers.

  • Understanding the eligibility criteria before booking IRCTC retiring rooms is recommended.
  • Make sure that you have a valid PNR number to book retiring rooms.
  • Ensure that you have a confirmed train ticket to book IRCTC retiring rooms.
  • It is advisable to book retiring rooms in IRCTC in advance, especially during peak seasons.
  • Choose the room that suits you best and matches with your budget preferences.
  • Be familiar with cancellation policies so that you are aware of the charges being deducted after cancelling IRCTC retiring rooms.
  • Make sure to check in and check out on time in IRCTC retiring rooms for a hassle-free stay.


Booking IRCTC retiring rooms in Indian Railways is extremely affordable and convenient for passengers looking for accommodation near railway stations. Using the easy online IRCTC Train eTicketing System, you can check various room types, flexible durations and amenities provided by IRCTC before booking rooms. You also book train tickets on redRail by redBus and check comfortable IRCTC resting rooms for passengers.

Frequently Asked Questions on IRCTC Retiring Room

Can we book an IRCTC retiring room offline?

Yes, you can book an IRCTC retiring room at the railway station counter. You must have confirmed or RAC train ticket status to book retiring rooms.

Can I book an IRCTC retiring room without PNR?

No, you cannot book IRCTC retiring rooms without a PNR number. You must have a confirmed ticket with a valid PNR status.

How long can we stay in railway retiring rooms?

You stay in IRCTC retiring rooms for a minimum period of 3 hrs to a maximum period of 48 hrs.

Can two passengers with different PNR stay in one IRCTC retiring room?

No, passengers with different PNR numbers cannot stay in one retiring room.

What are the rules for IRCTC retiring rooms?

The general rules for booking IRCTC retiring rooms are that the passengers are allowed to reserve rooms for a maximum period of 48 hrs, applicable for passengers with a valid PNR status, book rooms in advance and rooms available at only major locations, etc.

What happens if I don't check in on the scheduled booking date?

If you fail to check in on your reserved date, the full amount paid for the IRCTC retiring room will be deducted.

Can I book IRCTC retiring rooms in advance?

Yes, you can book retiring rooms in IRCTC in advance as per Advance Reservation Periods of PRS tickets.