Free Cancellation

Jan 2025
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How to Cancel Train Ticket for Free?

With sudden changes in travel plans, we often cancel train tickets. The reason could be personal reasons, health emergencies, or urgent work commitments. Therefore, most passengers find themselves in a situation where they need to cancel their train tickets. Cancelling railway tickets at the last minute leads to deducting cancellation charges. This can create a financial burden among certain classes of travellers. To make a seamless booking experience, redRail has introduced a free cancellation service where customers can cancel their train tickets without being deducted from cancellation charges. You are entitled to get a full refund with zero penalty. The best part of the service is that there is zero cancellation fee for the cancelled tickets. You will get an instant refund and dedicated customer service if you have any queries. 

General Guidelines for Free Cancellation on Train Tickets

Check out some rules and regulations for the free cancellation service on redRail. 

  • Applicable for selected train tickets. 

  • Eligible for the free cancellation service if the train tickets are cancelled before the IRCTC chart preparation time.

  • Cancellation charges for cancelled train tickets are not applicable if the free cancellation service is not opted for when booking tickets. 

  • Free cancellation is applicable for fully or partially cancelled train tickets.

How to Opt for Free Cancellation on redRail?

Below is a step-by-step guide for booking train tickets by choosing the free cancellation feature on redRail. 

  • Step 1: Visit the redRail website or application

  • Step 2: Choose the journey date, boarding and destination station. 

  • Step 3: Click on the check box to opt-in for free cancellation. 

  • Step 4: Select the travel class and check for available trains. 

  • Step 5: Select the train for the desired route. 

  • Step 6: Enter your IRCTC username. If you don’t have one, it is recommended that you create one. 

  • Step 7: Enter passenger and contact details. 

  • Step 8: Choose other preferences, such as auto-upgradation, travel insurance, reservation and more. 

  • Step 9: Click on Continue to proceed with the payment process. 

  • Step 10: Choose the different payment options listed on the screen. 

  • Step 11: Enter the IRCTC login password to confirm the train ticket booking. 

  • Step 12: Save the PNR number for your future reference. 

How to Cancel Train Tickets on redRail?

To cancel train tickets, follow the step-wise instructions mentioned below. 

  • Step 1: Visit the redRail website or application using your credentials.

  • Step 2: Click on the ‘My Bookings’ tab at the bottom of the redRail application.

  • Step 3: Click on the review and cancel to proceed with the cancellation process. 

  • Step 4: The history of tickets booked tickets will be displayed on the screen.

  • Step 5: Select the passenger whose train tickets you wish to cancel. 

  • Step 6: After the cancellation of train tickets, the details of cancelled rail tickets will appear under the ‘Cancelled’ tab

Advantages of Opting for Free Cancellation Service

Below are some advantages of choosing a free cancellation service when booking train tickets on redRail. 

  • Provides flexibility: Availing of the free cancellation service allows passengers to cancel their train tickets with zero IRCTC cancellation charges. There are times when you might have to change your travel plans, and not thinking about the financial repercussions is extremely appealing. You no longer have to worry about cancelling train tickets and losing money due to last-minute changes in travel plans. 

  • Encourage early bookings: It is highly recommended that passengers book train tickets well in advance and opt for a free cancellation service. You might have a change in plans as the journey date approaches. You can cancel their tickets and get a refund without any hesitation about losing money. 

  • Improves satisfaction: There is no such thing as hesitation when cancelling train tickets with free cancellation on redRail. You can change your travel plans depending on your needs and requirements. Opting for this service increases passenger satisfaction and encourages them to repeat bookings. 


Free cancellation services in train travel offer passengers flexibility, peace of mind, and increased convenience. By reducing financial risk and accommodating unexpected changes, this feature enhances customer satisfaction, making train travel a more attractive and passenger-friendly option in an increasingly competitive transportation landscape. You can easily opt-in for a free cancellation service when booking train tickets on redRail for a hassle-free travelling experience.

Frequently Asked Questions on Free Cancellation of Train Ticket

How to avail free cancellation?

You can click on the free cancellation service when booking train tickets on the redRail website or application

Can you get a refund if the train is cancelled?

Yes, you will get a full refund if the train is cancelled. The refund is processed automatically by IRCTC.

How much refund will I get if I can cancel my train tickets?

You will receive a full refund with zero cancellation charges if you opt for a free cancellation service on redRail.

How many days it takes for the refund to be processed?

The refund will take 5 to 7 business days to be processed to your account.