TQWL (Tatkal Quota Waitlist)

Jan 2025
TomorrowDay After

What does TQWL mean?

TQWL stands for Tatkal Quota Waitlist, a specific type of waitlist status associated with the Tatkal ticket booking system. Tatkal booking opens a day before the trains depart. You can book train tickets from Tatkal for last-minute travel. Different from GNWL, TQWL status has low priority in getting confirmed tickets. If all the tickets are booked under the Tatkal scheme, you will be placed under TQWL status. This particular status will be confirmed only when passengers with Tatkal tickets cancel their reservation.

Indian Railways uses different codes to indicate PNR status. One such status code is TQWL or Tatkal Quota Waitlist. If the number of waiting lists in Tatkal is relatively low, you can take a chance with TQWL status to see if it gets confirmed. If the number exceeds a certain threshold, there is a chance of tickets remaining on the waiting list. Therefore, looking for other alternatives to book tickets and continuing your planned journey is better.

Key Strategies to Book Tatkal Tickets Online

Here are some effective strategies for booking Tatkal tickets.

  • Be on time: Log in to the IRCTC website before the Tatkal window opens. Check for the internet connection beforehand so that you do not face any technical or server issues during the booking process.
  • Be ready with information: Keep your personal, contact, and journey-related information handy so that it is easy to update the details instantly without wasting time on searching for the information. Do not look for information during the booking process, as there are chances of Tatkal windows getting closed if not updated on time.
  • Make quick payment: When booking Tatkal train tickets, keep your payment details ready. You need to keep your debit, credit, or net banking account details handy during the booking process.
  • Keep multiple credentials: Having multiple credentials for an IRCTC account while booking Tatkal tickets is highly recommended. There are chances that you might face technical issues while booking tickets. In such cases, you can open multiple accounts to increase your chances of getting Tatkal tickets.

Salient Features of TQWL in IRCTC

Below, you will find some of the key features of the Tatkal Quota Waitlist.

  • Separate Quota: You will not compete with GNWL (General Waitlist) for ticket confirmations in this status.
  • Limited availability of seats: The confirmation of TQWL is solely based on the cancellation of Tatkal tickets. The chances are minimal as there are fewer tickets booked under the Tatkal scheme than regular bookings.
  • No RAC: You will not be given RAC status for this particular status. It will be confirmed or put under TQWL status until the tickets are confirmed. If there are no cancellations, the tickets will be cancelled.

How to Check TQWL Status on redRail?

Follow the steps below to check the TQWL status of your train tickets.

  • Step 1: Visit the redRail website or application.
  • Step 2: Log in using IRCTC credentials.
  • Step 3: Enter your 10-digit PNR number (The number is mentioned on the top left corner of the train ticket)
  • Step 4: Click on the "Check Status" button.
  • Step 5: The TQWL status will be displayed on the screen.


Understanding the nuances of TQWL (Tatkal Quota Waitlist) is essential for anyone looking to leverage the Tatkal ticket booking system effectively for last-minute travel on Indian Railways. With TQWL's distinct characteristics, such as no competition with GNWL for confirmations, no RAC status, and confirmations solely dependent on the cancellation of other Tatkal tickets, you must approach this option with realistic expectations. You can book train tickets through the redRail website or by using the application for a seamless booking experience.

Frequently Asked Questions on TQWL (Tatkal Quota Waitlist)

Does TQWL have RAC status?

No, TQWL does not have RAC status. You will either get confirmation if other passengers cancel their Tatkal tickets or eventually get cancelled if the ticket remains in waitlist status.

How can I improve my chances of getting Tatkal tickets?

You must follow certain rules while booking Tatkal tickets, such as being on time, checking your internet connection, and keeping booking and payment details handy beforehand for a successful booking process.

Can I cancel my TQWL tickets?

Yes, you can cancel your TQWL tickets before the chart preparation. However, standard cancellation charges will be deducted.